Worship with Us
Everyone is welcome to attend our Sunday Liturgy (Mass). You can just observe or you can participate as fully as you like, the only exception being that those who are not in full communion with the Catholic Church are not permitted to receive the Holy Eucharist (the Body and Blood of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine).
Use the Internet
If you would rather explore the Catholic faith on the Internet before you talk to someone in person, we recommend that you look at authentic Catholic sources for your information. The Church of Incarnation has compiled a list of various Catholic web sites as a good place to start.
Begin the Process of Joining
If you’ve already given some thought to becoming Catholic and you want to learn more about the process, please read the information below entitled: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It will give you an idea of what’s involved.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults learn more about the Catholic faith leading to being received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The process varies depending on prior faith formation. Baptized Christians who have been active in faith formation of some type, participate in a series of sessions designed to deepen their understanding of what it means to be Roman Catholic, leading to the Rite of Reception, which welcomes the adult Christian into full communion with the Catholic Church at a Sunday Mass. This process is tailored to match the individual needs of each participant and will usually last about 12 weeks but may be longer or shorter depending on individual circumstances.
Unbaptized seekers who are inquiring about becoming Christian and entering the Catholic Church will have the opportunity to study the faith over the course of several months. The process is gradual and is marked by rituals celebrated throughout the liturgical year. It is a period of spiritual formation, prayer, and education. It is designed to accommodate those who have never been baptized (catechumens) and may include those who were previously baptized (candidates) but received little/no faith formation, or who may have been inactive in their faith for a long period of time.
We pray that you will be blessed with knowledge and wisdom as you use this information, and we welcome your comments and inquiries.
Please contact us:
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church: 1214 Crozet Ave• Crozet VA
Mailing Address: PO Box 74 • Crozet VA 22932
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (434) 812-2936
Adult Education Classes
The Gospel of Luke Bible Study groups will meet on Sundays at 8:30 AM (Starting 9/15) and Tuesdays at 7:00 PM (starting 9/17). It is never too late to join us! BYOB - Bring Your Own Bible! The link to the Gospel of Luke reading schedule can be found on Flocknotes. Flocknote Gospel of Luke Schedule
"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." - St. Jerome
VIRTUS Training - Join us in taking an active role in protecting our community.
VIRTUS training is an essential 3-hour program equiping adults in the Catholic community to recognize & prevent child abuse, creating safer environments for children & vulnerable adults. Topics include:
This training is an invaluable opportunity to deepen your understanding of these critical issues & make a meaningful impact. It is required for anyone volunteering with Faith Formation, visiting the sick or in nursing homes, or even prison ministry in the Diocese. Dave McKinney will lead the session. Email Karen Castellon for more info: [email protected]
No date scheduled