In order for our church to attain a maximum occupancy rating by Albemarle County, a prioritized list of projects has been generated. This list, broken down into "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" categories, will help us to attain our goals while being judicious with our building fund budget. It is anticipated we would only have the financial capacity to attain Phase 1 at this time.
The OLR Building Committee met with Msgr Keeney to review one contractor's bid; another bid is expected to be received by next week. Once the bids have been received and reviewed one company will be awarded to undertake the needed renovations. Some general items for the two phases:
.Phase 1: - new ingress/egress door on the side of the building to to replace the drive-through teller windows, - remove vault door - improve parking capacity - close off wall behind the altar and create an opening on the side of the wall for main floor bathroom access and to the stairway.
Phase 2: - Basement renovations for office and classrooms.