Our Lady of the Rosary supports the twinning relationship of St. Thomas Aquinas and Holy Comforter with the parish of St. Michel in Saltadere, Haiti. Through prayer, visits to Haiti, and hosting the pastor of St. Michel for visits with us, the Haiti Ministry acknowledges our common bond as children of God. We raise funds in support of the parish school, St. Michel clinic, clean water access, and microloans.
Activities to raise funds include the after-Mass sale of Haitian coffee and notecards; student sponsorship; and a Haitian craft fair (Advent). Past projects have included a dinner auction and a golf tournament. The Haiti Ministry meetings are held every two months. Yearly visits to our Haiti twin parish are a personal choice and are self-funded.
[email protected]
Dan Wassilchalk is forming his committee & inviting back past participants. There are many opportunities to volunteer in support of this event. Dan’s contact information is 434-817-0442 [email protected].
Thank you to all who participated in our 2024 golf tournament. Please plan to join us next year.